
Mark H. Moore Shares Legal Insight on Universities’ Decisions About Who Gets to Teach Remotely Amidst Pandemic-Related Health Concerns

As colleges and universities make decisions about returning to the classroom in the fall, professors with health concerns, or with family members with health concerns, still face uncertainty about who will get approved to teach remotely and who won’t. On June 22, The Chronicle of Higher Education published an article...

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Non-Competes in the Time of COVID-19

Jane Smith was a senior product developer at a global technology company. In early 2020, she was recruited by a rival tech company for a high-level management position at double the salary. Unfortunately, Jane’s first employer is headquartered in STATE, whose non-compete laws diminish her ability to advance elsewhere. Non-compete...

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Alice Jump Quoted in Law360 Article “Legal Pitfalls Loom for Employers Reopening Post-Pandemic”

RPJ Partner Alice K. Jump was quoted Law360's April 22 article entitled, “Legal Pitfalls Loom for Employers Reopening Post-Pandemic.” The article was published on Law360's website, and as the lead story in its Employment and Corporate newsletter, and covers the legal dangers and logistical challenges faced by employers as states begin to...

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CARES Act: Summary of Select Provisions

This memorandum was initially published on April 2. It was updated on April 9 to reflect updates and changes to the guidelines announced since their initial adoption. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (the “CARES” Act) became law on March 27, 2020. The Act contains wide-ranging provisions for government...

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