
RPJ Partner Deena Merlen on AI, Deepfakes and the Copyright Office Recommendations

By Deena R. Merlen In today’s digital age, the question of whether we can trust what we see or hear has become increasingly complex.  As generative artificial intelligence (“AI”) technologies advance, distinguishing between reality and AI-generated fakes is more challenging than ever.  This controversy touches various aspects of our lives,...

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A Win for Visual Artists in the Copyright Battle Against AI Art Generators

By Daniel Jason Ain and Ariana Zhao Tensions between creators and artificial intelligence (“AI”) companies continue to run high, fueling ongoing litigation.[1]  In the latest win for creators, a class of visual artists survived a motion to dismiss their copyright infringement claims.[2] Last year, our colleagues wrote about the copyright...

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Big News for News Publishers: A New Efficient Framework for Registering News Websites

Last month, the U.S. Copyright Office (the “Copyright Office”) proposed new rules that would make it easier to obtain copyright registration for frequently updated news websites.  The Copyright Office invites comments on the proposal which must be in writing and received by the Copyright Office by February 20, 2024.[1] Background...

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A Sign of the Times: Copyright Lawsuit Filed Against Microsoft and Open AI by The New York Times

By: Daniel J. Ain and Ariana Zhao With 2024 underway, it’s worth reflecting on the flurry of lawsuits brought in 2023 by creators against owners of artificial intelligence technology companies that have forced the intersection of AI and intellectual property rights under the legal spotlight. With the unprecedented growth of...

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How the Supreme Court’s Decision in Amgen v. Sanofi Impacts Pharmaceutical Patents

By: Nafsika Karavida On May 18, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States (the “Court” or “SCOTUS”) handed down its decision in Amgen Inc. v. Sanofi (“Amgen/Sanofi” or the “Amgen case”) [1] , a fairly notorious case among pharmaceutical companies and patent nerds.  Amgen/Sanofi is about the so-called enablement...

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After Building a Lifetime of Creative Works, What is the Best Way to Leave a Legacy for Your Family?

When you are a creative person, your creations are called “intellectual property.”  In order to protect one’s creations, whether literary works, music or art, most people diligently safeguard their intellectual property rights via copyrights, trademarks, patents, etc.  Yet, many people do not think to consider what happens to these rights...

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Copyright Issues as they Pertain to AI and the Visual Arts: Let Us Paint You a Picture

By: Ethan Krasnoo and Anna Beckelman As artificial intelligence (“AI”) becomes more and more prevalent in our everyday use of technology, legal questions are being raised about how AI products are “trained” and how such training may encroach on “human generated” intellectual property. Earlier this year, our Reavis Page Jump...

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