
Legal Alert: Important Deadlines Loom for Employers in New York and California

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IndieWire Shares Nicole Page Article on How New #MeToo Laws Could Change TV and Film Production

In the post-#MeToo era, New York and California lead the way with new workplace anti-harassment legislation. Those states are also the primary locations for the majority of film and television production in the country. In such an industry where the lines between work and social environments are frequently and easily...

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New Amendment Added to New Jersey Law Against Discrimination

On March 18, 2019, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed into law Senate Bill 121 (“S121”), amending the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (“NJLAD”). The NJLAD is New Jersey’s central anti-discrimination law. NJLAD prohibits employers from discriminating against employees in any job-related action, including recruitment, interviewing, hiring, promotions, discharge, and...

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