
The Arbitrability of Non-Sexual Harassment Claims Under the “Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Act”

By Gregory Feit Our firm previously reported on the passage of the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021 (EFAA) (codified at 9 U.S.C. §§ 401-02), which amended the Federal Arbitration Act. Broadly speaking, the EFAA prohibits the compulsory enforcement of pre-dispute arbitration agreements with...

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RPJ Client Samuel Schultz Obtains Guilty Plea from Opera Star David Daniels and Husband in Sexual Assault Case

We are pleased to report that on Friday, August 4, 2023, RPJ client and sexual assault complaining witness, Samuel Schultz, received some closure in connection with the criminal matter against his rapists, opera star David Daniels and his husband, Scott Walters, which was slated to begin trial that day in...

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Donald Trump’s Failed Attempt to Shield His Social Media Attacks From Libel Claims Of E. Jean Carroll Based on Section 74 of the New York Civil Rights Law

This article discusses Section 74 of the New York Civil Rights Law, which provides “absolute” protection against a claim of defamation arising from a “fair and true report of judicial proceedings,” even if the report is made outside the courthouse.  It also addresses the application of Section 74 to the...

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