
Policy Excluding Female Employees from Supervising Prison Dry Cells Found Discriminatory

The Federal Correctional Institute in Memphis, Tennessee, (“FCI-Memphis”) is one of 122 prisons run by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). The inmates at FCI-Memphis are all males, but the institution has 49 female employees. Due to a chronic shortage of correctional officers, FCI-Memphis regularly “augments” (i.e. requires) females to...

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Supreme Court Reinstates Stay on Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Private Employers

In a 6-3 decision issued January 13, 2022, the Supreme Court cast significant doubt on the viability of a pillar of President Biden’s plan to fight to the spread of Covid-19. The Court’s majority held that challengers were likely to succeed on their claim that the Occupational Safety and Health...

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Partner Mark H. Moore Published by Reuters on Mandatory Arbitration of Sexual Misconduct Claims, Current Trends and Possible Amendments on the Horizon

A timely new article entitled “The state of the campaign to end mandatory arbitration of sexual misconduct claims in employment agreements” written by RPJ Partner Mark H. Moore was recently published by Thomson Reuters’ Westlaw Today. In this in-depth piece, Mark discusses the growing practice of employers of requiring arbitration...

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A Practical Guide to New York’s Confidentiality Waiver Requirements for Employment Discrimination Settlement Agreements, by Alice K. Jump and Ethan Krasnoo

While the policy impetus behind the confidentiality prohibition—preventing employers from silencing complaints about harassment and discrimination—may be worthy, the reality is that employers will normally not settle without a confidentiality provision. In what seems like much simpler times, parties to New York employment disputes, including disputes involving claims of discrimination...

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