Heidi Reavis Presents at Columbia Law School on History and Trends of Racial and Gender Profiling

Heidi Reavis Presents at Columbia Law on the History of Racial and Gender ProfilingLast week on July 9, RPJ Partner Helen D. (Heidi) Reavis presented via Zoom to Columbia University Law School’s LLM and U.S. Business Law programs, open to foreign lawyers and MBA graduate students around the world, on the history of American racial and gender profiling, the lead-up to the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements, and what the future may hold concerning legal developments and future profiling protections.

Because of Covid-19 conditions, quarantine restrictions, and prolonged travel and visa suspensions, nearly all of the Columbia students participating in the presentation Zoomed in from locations abroad. With that in mind, Reavis discussed global trends and a number of international examples of race and gender protections implemented by other countries that have taken a leadership role to protect against forms of discrimination not yet recognized in the U.S.