
Copyright Office Invites Comments

In connection with a proposed new fee schedule that the Copyright Office will be announcing this spring, the Copyright Office is seeking comments on two issues.  First, regarding the basic registration fee, should special consideration be extended to individual author-claimants who are applying to register a single work that is not a work...

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Proposed Rulemaking concerning Minimum Wage and Overtime

The U.S. Department of Labor published a notice of proposed rulemaking today concerning the extension of minimum wage and overtime protections to almost two million caretakers who provide in-home care services to the infirm and elderly. Members of the public may comment on the notice of proposed rulemaking at

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RPL Partner Presents at Women Make Movies Workshop

On Wednesday, November 30, 2011, RPL Partner Nicole Page will be presenting at a workshop for producers hosted by Women Make Movies called Producing- Skill Building for Success. For more information and to register for this great event, please go to

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RPL Hosts Women’s Forum Health Care Forum

RPL Hosts Women's Forum Health Care Forum, “Will Health Care Reform Help or Hurt You?” Assembled panelists include Pamela Brier, President and CEO, Maimonides Medical Center; Pamela Gallin, MD FACSF, Director, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center; Joan Leiman, Chief of Staff to the President & CEO, New York-Presbyterian Hospital;...

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RPL Partner Attends Freedom Award

RPL Partner Nicole Page was honored to attend the 20th Anniversary Freedom Award on Saturday, November 12, 2011. The event is held annually by the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee, to honor those who have made vast contributions in civil and human rights, education, the arts, sports and...

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