RPL Partner Deena R. Merlen to Speak at the SUNY Levin Institute

RPL Partner Deena R. Merlen has been invited to be a guest speaker at the SUNY Levin Institute on October 29 to discuss various start-up issues with a select group of entrepreneurs who have been chosen to attend FastTrac New Venture for the Female Entrepreneur, an intensive 10-session program offered by the NYC Department of Small Business Services, Kauffman FastTrac and the SUNY Levin Institute.
Based in Manhattan and serving the State of New York, the SUNY Levin Institute offers various educational programs focused on New York’s competitive response to globalization. Among these, Levin’s signature JumpStart NYC helps New York businesses and individuals respond effectively to the challenges of global competition, while the iNY program aims to increase the commercial success of scalable companies across New York State. Complementing these offerings, FastTrac New Venture for the Female Entrepreneur is designed to help female entrepreneurs to complete the launch of their businesses. The students have an opportunity to vet and refine their business concept with the guidance of successful entrepreneurs, business experts and experienced coaches, develop a strong business plan, and connect to services and resources available for women-owned businesses.
The course to be taught by Ms. Merlen on October 29 will focus on, among other things, the development, ownership and protection of intellectual property, important considerations regarding the employment or other engagement of people who provide services to the start-up company, and certain aspects of company formation and ownership. If you wish to speak with Ms. Merlen about start-up business concerns, please contact Ms. Merlen at 212-763-4160 or email her at dmerlen@rpl-law.com.