RPL Sponsors the Women’s City Club’s 2015 Civic Spirit Awards Dinner
On April 23, 2015, the Women’s City Club of New York held its annual Civic Spirit Awards Dinner. Managing Partner Helen D. (“Heidi”) Reavis served as Event Co-Chair. Reavis Parent Lehrer LLP proudly sponsored this event, honoring individuals who have made a real difference to New York and working New Yorkers.
This year’s Civic Spirit Awards Dinner honored the founder of the Manhattan Theatre Club – Lynne Meadow, the Manhattan Borough President – Gale Brewer, and the Executive Director of 1199SEIU Child Care Funds – Vivian Fox. For over 99 years, the Women’s City Club of New York has promoted civic engagement, activism and leadership to remove the public policy barriers that limit opportunities for New Yorkers. Making a difference in New Yorkers’ lives is at the heart of WCC’s work, and Reavis Parent Lehrer LLP is proud to support this mission.