RPJ Partner Nicole Page Featured in Variety Article “Does Harvey Weinstein’s Overturned Conviction Signal the End of Hollywood’s #MeToo Moment?”

Variety’s recent article on the overturned sexual assault conviction of Harvey Weinstein explores the responses (and lack thereof) to this case by various individuals and groups involved in the early stages of the #MeToo movement. While some celebrities and early #MeToo motivated groups have been criticized for their lack of public response, various legal entities including The National Women’s Law Center, the attorney for key prosecution witness Mimi Haley (Gloria Allred), and former Weinstein Co. whistleblower Lauren O’Connor’s attorney (RPJ’s Nicole Page) have all spoken out.

According to Page, “It’s probably going to be the new precedent for men like Weinstein and Cosby who have a large amount of money and a huge legal team. This just feels like another barrier. It’s like, ‘Oh, my God, how hard do we have to fight? How much do people have to give up?’” Read more on Variety’s website here.