
RPL Client Wins in FOIA Case Against FBI and DOJ

RPL Client Watched Film, LLC has been gearing up for the 2018 release of its feature-length documentary, The Feeling of Being Watched, directed by Algerian-American journalist and filmmaker Assia Boundaoui. The film tells the story of Ms. Boundaoui's investigation into the rumors of government surveillance in her childhood neighborhood outside...

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RPL Partner Mark H. Moore Discusses Groundbreaking Decision on Employee Privacy in Europe

On September 5, 2017, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice issued a decision of signal importance in the field of employee privacy. The Chamber condemned without sufficient justification an employer’s monitoring of an employee’s communications, leaving European employers with only vague guidance as to when such monitoring may be...

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New York Passes “Freelance Isn’t Free Act”

Two weeks ago on October 27, 2016, New York City passed the “Freelance Isn’t Free Act,” (the “Act”) which provides legal protections for freelancers. The Act will go into effect 180 days after it is signed by Mayor de Blasio.  Prior to this Act, a freelancer’s sole remedy for nonpayment...

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RPL’s Ethan Krasnoo on New California Law to Prevent Age Discrimination in Casting Actors

Recently, California state enacted a new law that allows actors and other entertainment industry professionals to require removal of their ages posted on certain websites. Specifically, A.B. 1687 requires commercial entertainment employment providers like the Internet Movie Database (“IMDb”), that offer paid subscription services for actors and other professionals to...

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Would the Second Circuit Have Ruled Differently in the Maltz Canadian Copyright Case? Insights from Reavis Parent Lehrer Associate Allison “Ally” M. Grein

After discovering her grandfather’s diary, written in the Holocaust-era village of Sokal (formerly in Poland, now considered part of Ukraine), Israeli-American documentarian Judy Maltz traveled to an address recorded in the diary—the home of Francizska Halamajowa, a woman who offered safe haven to Maltz’ grandfather, three Jewish families and a German soldier...

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RPL Partner Larry Brocchini Provides Overview of Landmark Federal Trade Secrets Act

Recently, Congress enacted, and President Obama signed, the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (“DTSA”), the first comprehensive federal trade secrets legislation.  This landmark legislation provides a federal civil remedy for the misappropriation of trade secrets, thereby allowing trade secret owners to protect their innovations and seek redress in federal...

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