
Watch Part 3 of RPJ Partner Mark H. Moore’s AltaClaro Expert Series on Software Copyright Protection

In its latest Expert Series, AltaClaro features RPJ Partner Mark H. Moore discussing how to use copyright law for proprietary computer software to protect companies’ intellectual property in case it is ever stolen or hacked. AltaClaro released Part 3 of its 5-part video Expert Series featuring Mr. Moore on Friday, July 13, which focuses...

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ABA Journal Features RPJ Partner Nicole Page Addressing Solutions to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

RPJ Partner Nicole Page was quoted in “Time's up: Legal, judicial systems slow to adapt to sexual harassment and assault issues,” an in-depth article appearing in the June 2018 issue of the ABA Journal. The full text of the article is available here, and will appear in the Journal's June 2018 print...

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