RPJ’s Alice K. Jump Weighs In on Return-to-Office Policy Enforcement
Last week, RPJ’s Alice K. Jump was interviewed by P&C Specialist to discuss the rise of stricter return-to-office (RTO) policies, and how employers should navigate possible employee dissatisfaction in response to these policies. In the article, Ms. Jump identifies ways in which employers can protect themselves from liability when responding to backlash from RTO policies while ensuring they do not violate their employees’ rights. Ms. Jump emphasizes that employees have the right to petition for workplace change, unionize without fear of retaliation and engage in collective discussions about workplace conditions regardless of union status. However, as Ms. Jump notes, employers also have the right to regulate the use of company spaces or resources. Employers should try to be consistent in applying policies regarding use of company time or resources for activities like petitions or protests or risk being accused of “selective enforcement.”
Read the full P&C Specialist Article here.