
Partner Ethan Krasnoo Discusses Vaccine Mandates for Theater Professionals and Audiences Amid Broadway Reopening

Broadway curtains are gearing up to rise again this fall after a year of lockdown, but the highly contagious Delta variant and breakthrough cases in vaccinated individuals present serious considerations for determining the safest ways to get company members and audiences back in the theater. Partner Ethan Krasnoo weighed in...

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FAQs on Whether Broadway Can Require Audience, Cast Members, and Other Participants to Prove They Have Been Vaccinated Before Being Allowed In the Room Where it Happened

We are on track for Broadway to resume performances at some point this year and what a glorious day that will be! But when that happens, how will theaters and production companies ensure a safe environment for audience members and their employees? Can Broadway Theaters and Producers  Require Audiences to...

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That Would Be Enough: COVID-19 Relief Package for Arts and Entertainment Venues, Small Businesses, and Professionals

Late last month congressional leaders finally agreed to offer cultural institutions, including music venues and movie and stage theaters, a coronavirus relief package of $15 billion for “Save Our Stages”, as part of the larger $900 billion relief package, which includes additional categorical relief, such as the Paycheck Protection Program,...

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Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay!: Five Broadway Theaters Seeking Insurance Coverage Due to COVID-19 Losses

Since Broadway’s closure in March, Broadway theaters have not been able to operate or generate revenue in any capacity. Jujamcyn Theaters, LLC, which owns five Broadway theaters that had, prior to the shutdown, been presenting “Hadestown,” “The Book of Mormon,” “Mean Girls,” “Moulin Rouge,” and “Frozen,” filed a lawsuit in...

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No More: Off-Broadway Theaters Bring Litigation to Obtain the Same New York Reopening Rights Granted to Restaurants and Bowling Alleys

In late October, eight off-Broadway theaters, including The Actors Temple, Soho Playhouse, the Triad, and the New York Comedy Club, filed a lawsuit in Manhattan’s federal district court against Governor Andrew Cuomo, the New York Attorney General, and Mayor Bill de Blasio, seeking an order that would allow them to...

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