
Watch It Now: Full Video of #MeToo Webcast with RPJ Partners Alice Jump and Nicole Page

On April 25, the legal education platform AltaClaro featured RPJ Partners Alice K. Jump and Nicole Page in a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) webcast entitled, "#MeToo, Now What? The Sexual Harassment Debate From the Legal Trenches."  Ms. Jump and Ms. Page took a critical, in-depth look at the current business and...

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RPJ Partner Nicole Page Addresses Her View of Sexual Harassment from the Front Lines in AltaClaro Ascension Story

Today, AltaClaro, an experiential learning platform for lawyers, featured RPJ Partner Nicole Page on their Ascension blog, on which they share stories, tips and secrets to success from top lawyers in all fields. In Ms. Page's #AscensionStory, entitled "Fighting for Change in the Eye of the Storm," she discusses the year's developments...

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RPJ Partner Deena R. Merlen Hosts INTA Roundtable on Trademark Due Diligence and M&A Transactions

RPJ Partner Deena R. Merlen is hosting an International Trademark Association (INTA) North America Roundtable in Stamford, CT, on April 13 on trademark due diligence and trademark transactions. IP due diligence, as an important part of overall mergers and acquisitions (M&A) due diligence, is the process of gathering information and...

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