
Partner Mark Moore Quoted by The Chronicle of Higher Education on Legal Challenges Universities Are Facing

Partner Mark Moore was recently quoted in a comprehensive overview of the legal challenges facing colleges and universities published on January 22 by The Chronicle of Higher Education, entitled “The New Risk Management” and authored by Alexander C. Kafka. In addressing post-pandemic litigation over tuition refunds, Mark stated:  “Because many...

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No More: Off-Broadway Theaters Bring Litigation to Obtain the Same New York Reopening Rights Granted to Restaurants and Bowling Alleys

In late October, eight off-Broadway theaters, including The Actors Temple, Soho Playhouse, the Triad, and the New York Comedy Club, filed a lawsuit in Manhattan’s federal district court against Governor Andrew Cuomo, the New York Attorney General, and Mayor Bill de Blasio, seeking an order that would allow them to...

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Heidi Reavis Discusses the Weinstein Settlement Negotiations Favoring the Weinstein Attorneys over the Crime Victims in Her Recent Article in The New York Law Journal

Partner Heidi Reavis is a guest contributor this week in The New York Law Journal, discussing the protracted Weinstein settlement negotiations which have had the effect of favoring the litany of Weinstein attorneys over the Weinstein victims.  See her article, “Spotlight on Weinstein Counsel and the Culture of Complicity.” The...

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PTO’s Newly-Minted Money Grab: Why do I have to pay the PTO’s fees when its examiner blew it?

Trademark and patent applicants and practitioners have grown used to (and weary of) ever-increasing Patent and Trademark Office [PTO] fees, particularly since Congress mandated that the PTO’s operations be self-funded.  But, even the most cynical PTO practitioner might be surprised at the ingenuity of the PTO Director’s latest revenue generating...

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