
Who Pays for the Broadway Shutdown?

This article was originally featured by Law360 in its "Expert Analysis" section on March 23, 2020. Broadway supports over 87,000 jobs and draws millions of attendees each year. In 2019, 14.6 million ticket purchasers attended a Broadway show which generated $1.75 billion in direct revenue. But two weeks ago Andrew Cuomo,...

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December 2018 New York Entertainment and Media Legal Highlights Concerning Reposting Instagram Photographs, Reselling of MP3s, and Defamation Claims Based on Movie Characters  

As summarized below, in December 2018 the New York Federal courts handed down three significant opinions relevant to entertainment and media professionals. Court Finds Hearst Engaged in Copyright Infringement by Reposting a Photograph Taken from Instagram The District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled that Hearst Communications...

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RPJ’s Ethan Krasnoo Discusses New Pro Bono Sexual Harassment Mediation Program for Artists

As the rate of sexual harassment claims in the entertainment industry continues at a breakneck pace, artists gained a new avenue last week for resolving disputes surrounding such claims. The HR4A Mediation Pilot Program opened its doors on January 16, 2018, and offers a free and confidential mediation program platform for...

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